Practical Praise Points


Last week in class, several members shared some practical tips and personal stories regarding their experience with praising the Lord.

– Obedience was a key point that several of you made. Laura S. said that she began making praise part of her life out of sheer obedience and found that it became “addictive” and now she can’t live without it! Martha B. also said that she began praising out of obedience and found that as she stores up songs in her heart that God uses them to sing over her (Zeph. 3:17). Mary W. mentioned that when she wants to do it the least, if she will push through out of obedience, she finds that is when she actually needed it the most.

– Cynthia O. shared about a particular song that ministered to her during a time of frustration…that she sang it over and over again, and after about 15 minutes she had a break through and her frustration turned to victory.

– Kathy G. stressed the importance of “getting out of the box” with regard to music style. We all have our personal preferences, but need to be open to all styles of praise music that are Scripturally sound and anointed by the Lord. Whether it be a high church hymn or a fast-paced song that makes you want to dance, give God’s Spirit the freedom to sing through you and to you.

– Debbie B. shared how praise always takes her eyes off her circumstances and focuses them on God, giving her a picture of His sovereign grace.

– Dana S. said that her two favorite ways to use praise music are (1) to turn the words of the song into a prayer and pray the lyrics back to God, thanking Him for who He is and asking Him to cement the truths of the song deeper into our hearts; and (2) as warfare, saying/shouting out loud the truths of a particular song to silence the enemy as well as our flesh.

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