Trumpet Call – “I Believe…”, 11/08/11


This week was Trumpet Call. Many of us would say that it is much easier to stand in faith when we are faced with a crisis (as opposed to just everyday life), because we have nothing else to turn to. When it comes to everyday life we often find that we are standing on many things other than the solid rock that is the Word of God. Dana shared her own personal testimony from this past week where God used a series of unfortunate events to shake up her plans and give her the choice to believe that God was mean, OR to stand on His character and His word and let Him do a work of healing in her. She chose to believe God, to articulate what was true, to sing praise in the midst of difficult circumstances and to trust His heart of love toward her. She reminded us all that, because we have a measure of faith planted deep within us (Rom. 12:3), we can call that faith to rise up when we are tempted to despair. She challenged us to receive the promises of God and make them our own so that the storms of life (and even the rain showers and breezes) cannot shake us.

*As a follow up to the story she shared on Tuesday – The dog is perfectly fine. It turns out that he didn’t actually eat anything! Also, the computer is all fixed too. It had a really nasty virus that was hiding all the files.

P.S. The songs referred to in the recording are: (1) Your Word Will Be The Last Word by Tommy Walker (2) Standing On The Promises Medley by Selah  (3) I Have To Believe by Rita Springer (4) I Lift My Hands by Chris Tomlin.

Trumpet Call, “I Believe…” – 11/08/11

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