Trumpet Call to the Arms of God – 03/29/11


Last week we had Trumpet Call where we looked at total surrender. We redefined surrender moving from the idea of being pinned to the mat and waving our white flag to realizing that surrender is actually running into the waiting arms of our Lord. We watched a movie clip from “Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring” (scene 5: Farewell Bilbo Baggins) in which Bilbo was reluctant to leave his treasured ring behind as he left the Shire. He accused Gandalf of wanted the ring for himself. In this clip, we saw represented: 1) The power of sin – Our “pet” sins have a way of taking over. We think that holding on to them is not such a big deal, but we were reminded that they have the power to control us and block our intimacy with God.  2) The holiness of God – We were reminded that self and the Holy Spirit cannot occupy the throne at the same time. When we refuse to surrender control, we are putting ourselves on the throne and asking God to submit to us.  3) The tenderness of God – He desires to remove these things from our lives not to deprive us but to help us. He desires intimacy with us and is committed to removing anything that stands in the way of that.

We took a look at Hebrews 3 describing how an entire generation of Israelites were unable to enter God’s rest. Even though they were witnesses to the miracles of God for 40 years, they still struggled with unbelief. In Hebrews 4 we read that God’s rest is still available to us and that we should received the warning displayed by that generation and fall into the same trap.

We then spent some time rehearsing who our God is! I reminded you of the many miracles performed by our Savior and the power He displayed throughout the Scriptures. He is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow. The same God who split the sea is at work in your life and in your circumstances. No issue that you face is too hard for Him. Believe Him above your feelings. Trust Him above your circumstances.

After the teaching we sang some powerful songs in response. We pictured ourselves bringing ourselves to the throne room of God and completely surrendering to Him. It was an amazing time of worship!

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